The latest in BinOC/Operations!
Oh well, can't go back now. That's the trouble with bold declairations and major changes.. You either have to .. eventually .. live up to them or just give up. Still with every change there is a counter-change.. Setting me basically back where I started confusingly enough. At risk and under threat and having to still do something either to get ahead of it or merely pass the time.. So either way.. Continuing on as long as I can.
To that end here is a preview of some stuff I have been working on.
This is the state of it after I add some tab-shaped tab styling and remove some of the more in-your-face components.
With THIS going even further beyond to start scraping off the imposed styling and get back to something someone else can fork and start modifing to their hearts content. Note: the address bar needs a lot of work as do tabs in this configuration. But the basic styling is still doable allowing forks to either trend towards more traditional interfaces or add their own brand-identity in how things are styled.
I really hope people will apprciate it because I am once again signing up for hell (but for the right reasons, I hope) by forking software I have every right to fork and helped make continually possible in the first place.
Of course, I can't just leave it like it is.. I am gonna do what I always wanted to do with it.. Make it Firefox 2-ish. So you get all that.. By the way, Borealis Navigator will never be completed or released as a trade off.. Or that is the current excuse not to break my successful vaporware navigator project..
Now, if you excuse me.. I have ice cream!
As we approch a turning point in history where once again, fascism and the other 14 or so different directions of extremeism one can find them selves going and supporting comes up for what may be the last chance anyone in my country has to actually choose.. otherwise or merely abide what comes next as "it is what it is". And despite the great many efforts to convince me of core lies about my self and allowing or creating the conditions to nudge me to come to specific conclusions that just so happens to lend more and more credence to invalid arguments of others but doesn't hold up to broader scrutiny that is often unavailable to me beyond just another official talking head or article telling me whom and what I should and shouldn't agree with.. I have indeed managed to make.. a decision.
Aaand, I have decided.. otherwise. That shift the long-ass process for that shift to happen is the real reason jack point shit has emerged from BinOC save 2 Interlink builds. (ignoring oauth2 that is). I have to do the right things for the right reasons and I bare the consiquences of my past actions despite the fact that most records have been wiped out by shadowbans. This is the reason used for all the hate (and money) Moonchild managed to drum up in 2022. Since then, they have escilated attacks, went after disadvantaged and handicapped indiviuals, distract from their behavior the only way they know how.. By citing the fanfic version of events to anyone because blaming me has always worked before when I was there. Except it was almost three years ago now.. I ain't there now and ain't going back. (Yes I saw it came up)
They have had three years to advance UXP and make up for all the damage in the late 2010s into the pandemic that I caused.. Including all the things I didn't actually do but get blamed for, happened after I was gone or before I even knew what a Pale Moon was. While webcompat has improved to a degree especially with the haphazard support for customelements.. The rest of the platform has deteriorated to a degree. Fall out from Pale Moon 29 and G4JC that has only sort of been fixed. Not that I can fix that part of it either. Not now.
Still, I think its time to turn the page on Moonchild Productions and their power coins once and for all. And only I seem to be able to do that since they can only follow the examples I set. So here is a new example: XUL.. The technology, the concept is for EVERYONE.. Not for those who JUST have official branding or an infrastructure or follow a specific set of configure options.. EVERYONE. Period.
Same goes for Mozilla as well.. This technology is not soley for you. It is for everyone.. or it is for NO ONE.
Stay tuned!
As warned about a month ago Basilisk-Dev, also known as the racist n-dropping (and I don't mean Netscape) "binoc-user" on rocketgit with stolen BinOC code and by his given name Daniel James or djames1 as well as a few others, has made good on his campain of terror to prove he is as big and bad as lil ol' me when I was still calling my self the New Tobin Paradigm.
Let's be clear here.. This is NOT in good faith and is patently worse than what I did to the MyPal project and attempted to do to the MSFN XP-gang. These repositories are remnants from when we all were on github in the 2010s. All at least five years out of date. Github defaults the oldest-surviving fork as the new main project whenever the main project leaves which all MCP repos were removed from github years ago. Some of these repositories were in the hands of former Pale Moon and Basilisk contributors namely adeshkp and Lootyhoof (aka Ryan aka the one who helped establish Pale Moon and UXP's independence from Mozilla upstream especially on the theme front).
Given this and the attempt to sell me as a target to a politically radical group to distract from Moonchild's able-ism over accessibility features left over from Firefox. Me of all people, who has disabilities them selves and also created, for a short time, the Pale Moon "SUMOZI" build that not one person ever used but was done to address this very deficiency. But this is somehow my fault all two years after all involvement with them ceased. Par for the course I guess.
Regardless of that shit which was designed to just get me to cancel my XUL plans, which worked btw.. This shit with Basilisk has gone way too far.. The fact that he went after inactive but otherwise loyal and particularly in-offensive contributors is crossing another line that demands that I do something eventually if no one else will.. One can argue I am just spiteful because I was cut down for going overboard.. and I am.. Totally am.. But it's also morally repugnant.. I was justified but still wrong.. As Basilisk has not been damaged in the way BinOC brands were by others this is unjustified and exceedingly abusive because none of these repos were active or up to date. Logically this is a gross-overreaction, morally it is repugnant as I said, and according to the MPL? Well.. Basilisk-Dev has some issues there.. Namely that he does NOT provide the source code for any executable form he provides in the preferred form for making modifications and I am not properly informed where or how to get sources that match an executable form for covered code. He can fix this compliance issue by providing full tarballs of the comm and platform repos.. And I suggest he also mark the UXP commit he uses on his repo release page.. But he likely won't.. So if anyone-who-is-not-me (as I am no longer entitled to defending my own stuff under the MPL so revoking my grant won't accomplish anything) wants to try that vector to combat his copyright terrorism.. Feel free.
Basilisk-Dick, did you even consider to whom you were serving these to? Did you even look at the repos to be sure they were even a threat given all the ones you cited are from before you paying 500 dollars to Moonchild for a logo. Why are you specifically harrassing former developers because one can't legally file a DMCA without knowingly and to the best of their knowlege verifing each and every infringement including intent to infringe. So either, you demostratedly purgered your self by blindly copying urls without verifing if they were infringing and a threat or you are targeting them as part of some half-assed Paradigm stratagy you have come up with.. You certainly aren't ignorant of who they are. Ryan is well known and adesh is in your very commit log. You also of course realize that DMCAs can lead to loss of their github account (if not shadowbanned like my self). So your shitty logo you didn't even make, for a browser, you didn't even fork and can't properly maintain is worth more than the fuckin people who helped build it or otherwise provide the ability for you to swoop in with your credit card so you can turn around and attack them when they have done nothing to you or are even active in the development of any mozilla-related code?! At least I worked for my so-called empire. You are just echoing obsolete stolen stratagy that already failed trying to be something you can never be.
To Moonchild specifically, you need to either disassociate yourself with Basilisk and it's developer at once and forbid contribution to the Unified XUL Platform by such entities or admit you care less about what happens in your community and your "life's work" and OUR shared legacy than you do about your bank account. Ryan and adesh did NOT deserve to be harassed with legal horseshit and YOU know it. These are people who made it possible for you to sit on your furry ass and pretend to still be a security expert (when you haven't worked in the field since I have known you) and have a user-base to even sell your ridiculous Pale Moon Power Ranger coins to.
You see the main problem for me, fearless leader, is that I am quite crap about following through with stuff that I personally want to do that only benefits my own projects.. A fact you are aware of. On the other hand, I am VERY GOOD at going on the offensive in the name of defending others. I am YOUR former attack dog after all.. I demand you address this consern immediately. Remember how well it worked out when you ignored others about my occasional bouts of unreasonably escalated behavior.
BinOC Proliferation Stage 1 is now complete. BinOC/Code is now known as BinOC/Central and this site is either Binary Outcast like always or just BinOC/Core. Which brings me to the meat of the matter. The Labs. It exists now running off BinOC PHP code same as this site. So why are you still here reading this drival? Check out BinOC/Labs where accomplishments are on the menu!
Stay tuned..
Well.. shit. So much for a whole new approch for UXP's "Reference Browser" project and the utopian vision for the community platform as a whole. So, Moonchild was paid 500 dollars to let djames1 (Basilisk-Dev aka binoc-user on rocketgit who stole code from private repos and as malepoon on Github) use the Basilisk branding so he could after a while turn around and be more agressive than Moonchild or my self on branding and is gonna go out and hunt down any fork of the code that HAPPENS to contain any of his branding.. Not using it in executables just contains it.. When those forks aren't doing squat as it is. So what all changed without me? Nothing but recycling tactics that didn't work that well the first damned time.
In any event.. Shouldn't you know, someone do something about this? Or is it only a problem when it is Tobin doing the dictating?
Now, I am not claiming to be a Sumerian shape-shifting god of destruction but I AM forking Firefox.
Huh, wha?! You may be saying but yes.. I intend to fork the bloated service and human lab experiment platform Mozilla has turned Firefox into and turn it back into something more akin to the actual browser project it came from. Utilizing forbidden Mozilla dark magic that was standard mozilla proceedure just half-a-decade ago and my unique insight and eXPerience into the practical functioning of a Mozilla platform (even if it is only barely still one where if it isn't gone its internal-only not for users). Specific insight and skills that make me such a threat to Mozilla that I was banned repeatedly and then by autobot for even trying to discuss it and within a week of announcing my new XRE application. Also KaiRo.. Not only am I not of any use to Firefox developers, everything I do know even if its still relevant in $currentVersion is off-topic in every channel including Firefox frontend development, the build system channel, and Firefox introduction and so on.
The only firefox forks they mention while important and key all use unique non-mozilla-like methods of doing a sort of stitch-and-pile to modify and extend Firefox and almost none of it is applicable across forks. I believe this was the very intention over a decade ago. I do have to thank Mozilla Developers for one thing. Allowing me to persist long enough to reset and rediscover my core priorities and goals. It was exceedingly helpful despite the treatment being something more akin to a Pale Moon forum thread.
So how this will work is basically this: Firefox Frontend is forked but not Gecko as a whole if you follow the nearly-ignored app and platform code seperation. I will strip it down to a feature set and layout (but not style) of a mid-model XUL browser. The featureset in the UI will be NO LESS than Firefox 3.6's but likely to settle somewhere between 24 and 52's layout and features but again NOT style. This reference browser will be the basis for a BinOC Browser called "Echo" while M3 Reference Browser keeps pace with mozilla-central with its reduced code profile it will be far easier to keep building and ready for stabilization and specialization for ESR cycles and for any otherwise intrested party to do the same as much of the grunt work has already been done.
Now my ass is on the line, I better snap to it. Peace!
Well, this is the start of the M3 WebRunner Project proper even though BinOC/Labs isn't actually done yet. But that's okay neither is the WebRunner. Not by a mile.
The main concept is simple. What if Mozilla Prism had actually been a finished product with the concepts and needs of today's Progressive WebApps in mind. This is not a Web Browser project perse because the idea is not to provide a 2000s style document navigator or 2010s style multimedia web browser and the browser UI you see is NOT the main interface. A launcher would be to manage and well launch webapps and other site specific browsing applications. There will be a free navigation component with Places backend providing Bookmarks and History but I am holding off on making it tabbed. That may happen but again its a secondary component to Launching, Managing, and using Progressive WebApps and Traditional Web Applications. With as much Mozilla magic as can be gathered up from what little remains in the codebase.
The mere concept of a brand new XRE-style Mozilla Application on a lightly Modified Modern Mozilla codebase is an exciting prospect.. And now is as good a time as any to see what this "Web Platform" focused Mozilla code can actually do beyond Firefox and maybe Thunderbird.
Cya soon!
Been a good minute but lots has been happening. tl;dr There is only XUL has been revamped once more with something more akin to my original vision, except the vibrant XUL ecosystem part, but we can still do something about that and I am continuing to contribute to the SeaMonkey. But I think that's good for now. If you want to learn more, feel free to stop by the IRC server. Have a dialog. Something. Otherwise...
Stay tuned!
As some may have noticed, last month I stopped posting updates and started redirecting to The SeaMonkey Project. This is after a final crossing-the-line piece of lunar drama. The kind that just obliterates any remaining good will or loyalty to anyone involved. Suffice it to say if the New Tobin Paradigm survives in any form.. It is clearly now rebranded as The Pale Moon Paradigm and I.. want no part of it. Indeed, let's just play that Linkin Park song and move on, quickly. Quickly, I said. We must move faster!
As previously indicated, I have started contributing to SeaMonkey to help them out. I am also working on a new piece of web software in the form of an Add-ons Site for the SeaMonkey Project. Called Project Neptune. It will be superior to Project Phoebus, however, the deal is different than when we pioneered non-mozilla-produced Add-ons Site software for the Pale Moon project. I am only doing the software. They will host it on their own independant infrastructure. Aside from the fact that BinOC/Infrastucre comprises approx sixteen acers of broken glass (for the moment), this will help ensure quality of development and hosting of the service is held to the highest standard. This also avoids lunar-related issues from re-occuring which I will not tollerate and keeps the project open to anyone who wants to use it, unlike Phoebus.
Aside from that, Fez is more back-burner as Snowball as a from scratch distro just makes more and more sense to focus on. I am cooking something up even bigger for the Linuxsphere anyway so look for that eventually.
However, with this new SM-related workload into the rotation I am gonna have to scale back some ambitions. The rest is in flux but deff still on the agenda.
Until next time.
Sounds like the last decade or so doesn't it. And yet, I still survive and every time I do I superset the HELL out of whatever defeated me previously. Pale Moon? UXP. UXP? Modern Mozilla (which hell 128 is on beta channel better get my stuff going eh?).. Navigator, email? The Web. Shell or DE? nah lol Operating System.
As stated in previous posts and elsewhere.. I am exploring and experimenting with technology and systems I should have been 10 years ago like how I should have been doing the Mozilla stuff proper 10 years before I actually really started. I have so very much catching up to do and .. stuff to Tobinize and expressions to express and opinions to opine about.
Shh.. I am also doing the SeaMonkey Add-ons Site Software, don't tell Moonchild.
With the reflections of the previous post and everything I have written since I decided to stop formal development and releases of BinOC XUL software. Indeed, everything I previously wrote all the way back to early 2022. My decision to continue, the cost of it now and then.. I just don't want to do this anymore. I don't want to write software for Windows, I don't want to do XUL programs anymore or cater to legacy systems and software. I want to make new stuff LIKE if not a damn good clone or truely advanced fork to what I find familar and useful. I want that from the operating system down to the webpage and back up. Conceptual legacy not technical legacy. The lessons not the original doodads. That is the ticket.
To that end, I am abandoning the Retired XUL Platform (which was supposed to be a casual hobby that satisfied people). There just is no combo of factors that would permit a reality where I can have a xul platform AND it be successful or not subject to the very things UXP was created to avoid. I am leaving that to my established successors and the SeaMonkey project for which I continue to owe a lot to and will help from time to time. XUL as far as I am conserned is simply .. over .. and acting as if it isn't or trying to invent a new way to do it as-is hasn't done more than waste time. My initial gut feeling was the correct one and I am a fool for ignoring it.
So to recap. There is no BinOC XUL and there never will be again. I do however wish to do the Mark III eXperimental Platform and my Linux offerings, Fez Enterprising Linux and the LFS-based Project Snowball. Inital stuff for them is all over the BinOC Github org so I'd check it out from the menu at the top of the page.
Face it, the future is Linux and BinOC/Linux IS the future, at least here. Stay tuned!
This is not the original content of the post with this title.
This is the wrong question. The correct question is: Why am I still bothering with this technology if the cost is so high? To be honest, I don't know. It isn't that I need it specifically cause I haven't hardly used any of my software in a year and a half. Do I still feel an obligation to the Pale Moon community, a community that has always had a sizeable portion who never wanted me there in the first place? Yeah, that is part of it. But I think it is just that it is exceedingly difficult for me to give up on one of the most important endevors I ever embarked on. All starting with a low frame windchime with an M on it later becoming the more widely reconized N with a meteor shower.
Pale Moon and UXP were the most productive bit thus far (and most costly) of what started when I was a kid using Windows 3.1. However, Pale Moon or the Unified XUL Platform are NOT the end all and be all of the Netscape journey that survives the browser it was based on and transcends its own station from OS down through the web page with few points not applicable in-between. The tech or the concept behind the tech? Which is more important. I'd say both but both aren't always possible. So I would favor continuing the concept of the technology if I couldn't otherwise materally have said technology.
-Tobin (or some reasonable facsimile there of)
The Binary Outcast name, associated brands, styles, designs, artwork, and original content are Copyright © 2001-2025 Matt A. Tobin - All rights reserved.
Any other material is the intellectual property (such as copyright or trademark) of its respective owners.